Don't Spend A Penny More On Advertising Until These Marketing Masters Transform Your Sales Message Into A MONEY MAGNET!
"...When I spoke to you earlier today, I told you that I was selling one e-book/100 clicks. Well, today was the first day all the changes were made on the website utilizing all the methods in your interviews and tutorials I could. So far, 97 clicks (Google AdWords) and 5 conversions!" Donna M.Smith "Masters Of Copywriting 2013" John Carlton
They call him "the secret weapon". Secret because he has so far avoided
the harsh limelight of fame, preferring to John Carlton has been a top freelance advertising copywriter for over 21 years now. Many of his ads are legendary among writers and clients. He brings an edginess and street-savvy to ad writing that actually forces you to read every word. Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy's advice can be moved with remarkable ease from one very different field, industry, or profession to another with amazing success. He is a leading consultant in direct marketing, copywriting, Internet strategies, and profit improvement systems. Joe Vitale They call him The World's First Hypnotic Marketer. Hypnotic, because the writing style he uses grabs you, sucks you in to it's mesmerizing pull... and forces you to read every word of what lays in front of you. Marketer, because he's one of the greatest marketers of all times - consistently writing and implementing record breaking marketing strategies for himself, and his trusted clients. Joe Sugarman His JS&A mail-order catalogs, and outrageously successful infomercials are required study, having sold over 20 million pairs of his now famous BluBlocker sunglasses worldwide. Joe's masterful use of psychological triggers in advertising, combined with his tight, short headlines, and hard-hitting yet educational copy are legendary. Richard Armstrong Richard Armstrong is one of America's top freelance direct mail copywriters and has been one for 25 years, since he won his first Caples Award in 1982 with a promotion for Maserati Automobiles of America. In 1986, he followed that with a second Caples Award, plus the Maxwell Sackheim Award for "Best in Show", this time for the Sea Turtle Rescue Fund. Since then, he has worked for nearly every major mailer in the country, including Rodale Press, Kiplingers Personal Finance Magazine, Smithsonian, Belvoir Media Group, National Review, The New Republic, The Limbaugh Letter, Phillips Publishing, and many others. Clayton Makepeace
For over 33 years now, Clayton Makepeace has written million dollar controls for Boardroom, Phillips, Rodale, Weiss Research and many other top direct marketing firms. Those fortunate enough to forge business relationships with Clayton have seen their marketing strategies fortified, and their sales copy strengthened to the tune of well over a billion dollars throughout the span of his brilliant career. Yanik Silver Just 31 years old, Yanik Silver is recognized as the leading expert on creating automatic moneymaking web sites... and he's only been online fulltime since 2000! He is also a highly sought after speaker, and seminar leader, and is universally respected for his ability to write winning campaigns that repeatedly spin swift fortunes for his partners and clients. Attendees regularly pay up to $4,995 to learn his secrets. Alan Forrest Smith
He's known for his outstanding ability to create market differentiation for his clients. Those lucky enough to work with Alan routinely fork out $5,000 for a single coaching session and up to $25,000 for a sales letter, due to his proven flair for positioning them as the only viable solution in a carefully defined target market. Timothy Warnock Hidden in the hills of Assisi Italy... a new copywriting samurai is online, silently overthrowing copy controls in his wake. Profit storms follow Tim like a shadow, and even world-class copywriters routinely hire him to deliver results. Profits for merchants and affiliates alike are soaring to new levels with Tim's help. Even veteran online affiliate marketers Allan Gardyne ( - who has promoted hundreds of offers over the years, saw his all-time affiliate CR% records conquered by one of Tim's letters. (Side note: I had heard some wild stories that one of Tim's letters was producing, so I secretly put him to the test in the real market, by sending some traffic... "Oh My"... the rumors were true... 7.46%!) Harlan Kilstein
Hypnotist, NLP practitioner, Golf Coach, Harvard graduate, "COPYWRITER"
Harlan Kilstein is the silent stealth weapon behind His uncanny ability to write covertly persuasive copy that slips under the prospect's sales resistance radar is quickly establishing this brilliant writer as one of the fastest rising young stars in history. Even super savvy marketing giants like Jay Abraham, T. Harv Eker, and Stephen Pierce sneak him in through the back door to juice their results, when no one is looking... John Forde Over the past 14 years, John Forde has cranked out countless million John has also organized and run dozens of intense, private copy training "bootcamps" of his own, often for 200 and 300 marketers at a time, in the U.S. and overseas in London, Bonn, Paris, and Warsaw. He's been a leading consultant, especially for products in the publishing and newsletter industry. David Deutsch
Here's a rare opportunity to learn from someone who acquired his copywriting skill under the direction of the legendary David Ogilvy. That man is none other than David Deutsch, world-renowned freelance copywriter for large publishers such as Boardroom, Phillips, Agora, and KCI, and author of the best selling business creativity system, THINK INSIDE THE BOX! Mark Joyner Mark Joyner is widely recognized as one of the early pioneers of Internet Marketing, and is responsible for introducing many of the tactics and technologies you see used on the Internet today. His breakthrough ideas and exemplary copywriting skills have been the driving force behind many Top 100 web properties, and have turned his fledgling one-man operation into a multi-million dollar international corporation with customers in every Internet-connected country on the planet. Recently, Mark sold off his interests, to focus on his writing and philanthropic works. David Garfinkel
David Garfinkel is a business mentor and educator, author, speaker and copywriter. Former San Francisco Bureau Chief of McGraw-Hill World News, David began studying advertising copywriting to sell his first self-published information product over a decade ago. Since then, he has written ads, sales letters and Web sites that have brought in millions of dollars of sales. Guerrilla Marketing author Jay Conrad Levinson says, "David Garfinkel is the best copywriter I know." Many people also consider David the world's leading teacher of copywriting, because of his unique methods and unusual perspective. Bob Bly Bob Bly is a freelance copywriter specializing in direct marketing. He earns more than $600,000 a year from his freelance copywriting, and became a self-made multi-millionaire while still in his 30s. A copywriter for more than a quarter of a century, Bob has written promotions for over 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, IBM, Intuit, and AlliedSignal. Bob is the author of more than 60 books including The Complete Idiot's Guide to Direct Marketing, and The Copywriter's Handbook, and has also appeared as a guest on dozens of TV and radio shows including The Advertising Show, Bernard Meltzer, CNBC, and CBS Hard Copy. Scott Haines Scott Haines is a direct response copywriter and marketing strategist who's been a "go to guy" for many of the top marketing gurus in the world, such as: Gary Halbert, Jay Abraham, Robert Allen and others. He's sought out, because, it seems he has an unusual knack for creating sales letters and ads that pull in monstrous responses for ultra-expensive products and services. $2,000 information products. $5,000 seminars. $10,000 personal services. I doesn't matter. Scott seems to always find the right "hook" or "angle" to move these goods fast... and... create massive windfall profits for his clients. Michel Fortin For over 15 years now, Michel Fortin has been cranking out explosive sales copy. If you've been browsing the web for any length of time, watching late-night TV infomercials or reading direct marketing offers in the mail, then you've seen his work. All told, Michel's highly profitable sales copy has been instrumental in generating well over $50,000,000.00 in sales in close to 200 different industries. Michel wrote John Reese's Traffic Secrets salesletter, which sent shockwaves across the Internet as it broke previous sales records selling $1,080,496.37 in just 24 hours. That's over a million dollars in one day! Daniel Levis In a very short period of time, Daniel Levis has become the marketing mercenary of choice for some of the savviest information product publishers on Earth! Since taking on his first external client just 18 months ago, Daniel has raised his copywriting fees 8 times, and his clients now gladly fork out $17,500 plus royalties for a single promotion. The reason is simple. Daniel's take-no-prisoners style, and his intensive research into the whys and wherefores of buyer psychology has routinely doubled, tripled, and on several occasions even quadrupled his client's sales and profits! Drayton Bird Drayton Bird is one of the true Godfathers of modern direct response Drayton's own books on copywriting and direct marketing have been published in 14 languages... he's lectured in 43 countries... and has consulted with the likes of IBM, Microsoft, P&G, VISA, Ford, Toyota and many other Fortune 100 companies on all 5 continents. After more than five decades of writing for a living, Drayton still sits down every day and taps out copy that pulls in millions in revenue! Jim Punkre Jim Punkre is widely recognized as one of the top copywriters in mail order history. His copy for The Doctor's Book Of Home Remedies holds the record for the most mail order books sold, 16 million copies producing more than $400 million in sales for Rodale Publishing. Over his award winning career in copywriting, Jim has hauled in more than $5 BILLION in sales for clients such as Time Life Books, U.S. News and World Report, Playboy, Reader's Digest, Prevention, Men's Health, Boardroom Books, Phillips Publishing and a host of others.
Clayton Makepeace, Frank Irving Fletcher, George Lewis Dyer, Joe Vitale, Bruce Barton, Theo MacManus, John Carlton, James Wallen, Claude C. Hopkins, Alan Forrest Smith, Richard A. Foley, Scott Haines, J. George Frederick, Timothy Warnock, Kenneth M. Goode, F.R. Feland, Yanik Silver, J.K. Fraser, Daniel Levis, Charles Addison Parker, David Deutsch, Christine Frederick, Jim Punkre, O.A. Owen, Joe Sugarman, Harry E. Cleland, Richard Armstrong , Wilburt E. Nesbitt, Dan S. Kennedy, Harry Tipper, David Garfinkel, Helen Woodward, Peter Stone, John Starr Hewitt, Michel Fortin, Arthur Holmes, Bob Bly, Humphrey M. Bourne , Harlan Kilstein, Ruth Leigh, Mark Joyner, John E. Kennedy, Drayton Bird |
Any One Of These "Win-Smart" Secrets Could Easily Make You $20,000... $50,000... Even $100,000 Richer, This Year Alone! From The Desk Of Daniel A. Levis Dear Marketing Opportunist, 6 MONTHS FROM NOW, TOPS, you could easily join the ranks of the full time copywriters and marketers who consistently bag blockbuster results from virtually every piece of copy they write... Or you could still be scratching your head, wondering why your ads, sales letters, and emails fail to bring back the hoard of cash you crave... The choice is yours.
"Gritty, Organic!" "Daniel, you've done an admirable job of getting some of the gritty, organic thinking processes that really skilled copywriters have in their heads when they sit down to write. Timothy
Warnock, for example - I didn't even know who the guy was. Great
interview though - and his take on Sigmund Freud was right on the
money." Perry Marshall What you are about to discover, right here on this website, can make that difference. But what's even more important is the incredible leverage you'll enjoy. You can attain massive levels of income without employees, without capital, and without the hassles that go along with operating a traditional business, when you have this knowledge. You can choose to live wherever you please, move wherever you want on a whim, and travel extensively without missing a beat. That's how powerful this really is. Let me tell you the story... For years I made my living in face to face selling. Office politics, bone headed sales managers, the daily commute. The money was great, but the lifestyle sucked. Until one day. That's when I discovered I could sell things in absentia (without being there). I could send my words, and that was enough. Immediately my life changed. "Could I have stumbled upon The philosopher's stone is like gold you know. Actually it's even better. Gold is a means to all wealth, but the philosopher's stone is a means to all ends, a universal means. And it's lying around for the taking. All you need to do is recognize it, and learn how to use it. It's a common substance, found everywhere but unseen and unappreciated. Needless to say I made a resolve to learn all that I could about this philosopher's stone. If there was a book on copywriting, I bought it, and devoured it. And here's what I discovered. A Single, Simple Secret Of Wealth...
There are no new ideas, only new combinations of old ideas. The
same immutable laws of human nature have lurked behind every event,
every human action, and thought, regardless of external circumstances
since the dawn of time.
"Success Leaves Clues!" "I love to study other successful people and learn their innermost secrets . Daniel
proves he's better than Dr. Phil, Oprah, and Jerry Springer
combined in getting a number of top copywriters to let it all hang
out." David Garfinkel Once you accept this fact, everything changes. You no longer struggle with creativity, or blindly imitate. Your mind is free to see past the veil of time and circumstance... right to the core of things. Now you mold and adapt with the greatest of ease, because you've finally found those common underlying threads that have existed all along, hidden from view. It's what Dan Kennedy calls "finding the commonalities". Flash back to 1924... you're thumbing through the Times, scanning the headlines, when this one jumps off the page and grabs you by the throat... "This is Marie Antoinette You don't know it yet, but just the day before... you met the man behind the headline over a Cuban cigar and a glass of port. It was in a cafe off Fifth Avenue, in the silk stocking district of Manhattan. At that very meeting, you and a young Bruce Barton both took your place in history... by agreeing to take part in a controversial experiment called "Masters Of Copywriting"... Of course Bruce Barton and O.A. Owen were just two of the contributors J. George Frederick called in for the original "Masters Of Copywriting". There were 25 in all, people like Kenneth Goode and Charles Addison Parker... all of the brightest minds of the day. Details are sketchy, but rumor has it J. George worked along side John E. Kennedy at Lord & Thomas in the heady early days of "reason why". Flash back again to 1906... you're cloistered in the Fairbanks Saloon, sipping fine French Cognac. The gentlemen across the table retorts, "J. George, what do you think of all this 'reason why' propaganda?" "Oh to be a fly on the wall at Lord & Thomas right now", he stammers. "I've heard Kennedy's latest campaign brought 1547 INQUIRIES... in the first 7 days!" You choke on your Cognac and sputter... "What is it about this 'reason why' that's fulfilling these men with such intoxicating wealth?" Kennedy mysteriously disappeared later that year at the height of his success. Nobody knows quite why, but Lord & Thomas didn't hesitate to fill his shoes with another "reason why" disciple by the name of Claude C. Hopkins... at $185,000 a year! That's when $1 was worth $11. "Is It Immoral To Make Indeed, what were the secrets behind "reason why"? And how do modern day rainmakers go about "finding the commonalities"? I'll give you some clues... The original Masters Of Copywriting text begins by taking you on a fascinating magic carpet ride across the advertising sands of time, dating back 25,000 years to the caves of France, through ancient Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and the Dark Ages... from the town criers to handbills and medieval publicity stunts... from newspapers and periodicals to the coffee house haunts of the first Admen of the 18th Century... from Ben Franklin's "General Magazine", to Bonner and Barnum... from patent medicine and the nostrums to "Printer's Ink"... from Albert Lasker and Lord & Thomas to John E. Kennedy and the birth of "reason why"... And then you'll discover... Frank Irving Fletcher
George Lewis Dyer
Bruce Barton (the seminal origins of his best selling work "The Man Nobody Knows")
Theodore F. MacManus
James Wallen
Claude C. Hopkins
Richard A. Foley
J. George Frederick
"Nothing Short Of A Masterpiece!" "Well
you've gone and done it again. You've put together nothing short of a
masterpiece. As a full time Internet marketer for the past 9 years I am
always looking for new ideas to help keep my copywriting skills razor
sharp. In
just one sitting I found idea after idea after idea. Thanks for putting
this package together, and thanks for giving me tools that will be of
use to me today, tommorow, and even years down the road." Frank Garon
Kenneth M. Goode
F.R. Feland
J.K. Fraser
Charles Addison Parker
Christine Frederick
O.A. Owen
Harry E. Cleland
Wilbur D. Nesbitt
Harry Tipper
Helen Woodward
John Starr Hewitt
Arthur Holmes
Humphrey M. Bourne
Ruth Leigh
OK, there you have it, 26 old masters with lessons galore to make you a better copywriter, and exclusive interviews with 18 of the most brilliant wordsmiths alive! What you've seen so far is just a small sampling of what a select group of shrewd young Turks have already discovered... I invite you to join this privileged group. I invite you to fill your mind with the amazing insights contained in "Masters Of Copywriting 2013" today for just $197. That's a real bargain for over 500 pages of high-octane marketing strategies from 44 of the "top-money" marketing minds of all time, don't you agree? There's just nothing else with the depth, breadth, and girth of this package anywhere at anything close to this price... certainly nothing with its power to repeatedly give you the inside track in the world of direct response. How much would it cost you to buy materials from each one of my superstar marketer friends to learn the secrets they reveal in these exclusive interviews? You could easily spend twenty times the price on that alone, and you still wouldn't have the original "Masters Of Copywriting" manuscript. But wait a minute... Be one of the first "Masters of Copywriting 2013" ninjas to hop on board with this brand new edition, and I'll spot you the first $50. So instead of you paying the already low regular price of just $197, And that's not all... Grab Your Copy Today And
Big Extra #8 72
minutes of intense no-holds-barred tactical wizardry from
Michel Fortin, one of the most prolific and talented young writers
on the planet! Unleash
the forbidden secrets that allowed a simple two page website to
extract over a million dollars in online sales in
just 24 hours ... Michel
rarely grants interviews, so this special additional bonus interview is
especially valuable. The response boosting insights he reveals
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cinch to rocket your sales and profits!
Here's exactly what you get... for a limited time these 9 big extras worth $756!
"Put It To The Proof By now, you've probably convinced yourself there's serious money to be made with the wealth of ideas, insider secrets, and expert insights contained in this truly unique package. It's absolutely true. I've personally netted many thousands in additional profits... as a direct result of what you are about to discover. Obviously I can't be certain you'll do the same. I don't know you. For all I know, you may not make a single dime. So let's do this. Take 'Masters Of Copywriting 2013" for a no-risk test drive... and prove these secrets will work for you. At my insistence, you have an ironclad 90-day guarantee of satisfaction...
and I want you to understand something. I'm not talking about a
guarantee you should question. Some people selling online would like
you to believe they're actually reversing your risk by offering a
30-day or a 60-day guarantee. What a joke.
"Bonuses Easily Worth What I Paid For The Entire Package!" "It's
funny, I made the kind of boneheaded move I ussually warn my
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realized I already have it. Joe
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deal and I'd happily promote it to my customers and subscribers." Bill Hibbler Is 30 days, or even 60 days anywhere near enough time to find out if you're going to actually see meaningful results Of course not, that's why I'm giving you a full 90 days to try this out. Put it to the test. Take some of the secrets revealed in this huge package and implement them. See for yourself how easy it is to rake in cash with this stuff. If you don't see meaningful results in your bank account as a result of it, get a refund. Heck I'll even let you keep all of the free bonuses for your trouble. The absolute worst thing that could happen is you'll come out $756 ahead! What could be fairer than that? On the other hand, if you're one of those Lookey-loos who reads a sales letter and gets all excited because you think you're somehow going to instantly get rich just by buying this product without doing anything with it, I'd rather you didn't. Go buy a lottery ticket or something. Listen, you don't have to strap on a set of six shooters, or face a hostile mob to become a hero. Picture the smiles of appreciation your family will reward you with when they begin to enjoy the new lifestyle this knowledge can afford you. Just imagine the looks on your friend's faces. If you're ready, "Masters Of Copywriting 2013" will put the philosopher's stone in the palm of your hand... a means to all ends... the key to all you seek and desire. Do you see the power of what I'm saying? You're onto something more exciting and more gratifying than I can describe in words here. You've been looking for strong medicine, real secrets... true inspiration... here it is! It's time to ignore all of the shallow gimmicks and plough your attention into the one skill that will finally make every single facet of your business click, once and for all! 'Tap The Brains' Of The Greatest Master Copywriters Of All Time To Cut Years Off Your Education Right NOW! The way I see it, you've got two choices. You can continue to struggle along on your own, taking tips here and there along the way, or you can tie in to the most powerful copywriting secrets of all time, in one fell swoop. You're writing copy for one reason, to generate wealth, and having these world class geniuses by your side is the best assurance and biggest time saver you'll find anywhere on your road to success. Why struggle, when you can scoop up loads of street proven insights gleaned from over 843 years of combined "in the trenches" experience all in one place. It's right here in this one-of-a-kind package. You'll be able to tap the brains of Dan Kennedy, John Carlton, Bruce Barton, Claude C. Hopkins and 40 more master copywriters at a moment's notice... and milk their ingenious response-pulling secrets for all their worth.Sincerely,
P.S., A special section for the Lookey-loos reading this... You have no valid reason not to try this. Won't it be nice to live your life without all of these problems? "I don't have $147" (You waste this much money every month! Borrow it if you have to and let's get going...) "I'm too busy" (Too busy doing what? Keeping your head above water and waiting for success to find you?) "It won't work for me" (That little voice inside your head is the very thing you must defeat to become successful. It's what's holding you back. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt, because I'm taking all of the risk here. You might just surprise yourself.) Download this exciting package today, while it's fresh on your mind...
Copyright 2013 Levis International Marketing 92 Caplan Avenue, Barrie, ON, Canada L4N 0Z7 |